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Cloud Hosted Data Vault

The Challenge  
Operational resilience is rapidly emerging as a crucial priority for many businesses. This change is driven not only by regulations such as the PRA's SS1/21 and DORA, but also by the rising cyber threats that have the potential to critically disrupt operations. Although safeguarding IT infrastructure has long been a focal point, it is no longer sufficient. Traditional backup and recovery methods, despite being well-established, are often found inadequate for tackling new threats such as ransomware, wiperware, extensive data corruption, large-scale IT system failures, and risks associated with IT suppliers or third parties.
How we can help 
Airwalk Reply has been at a forefront of discussions on how to address emerging cyber threats. We've engaged with market leaders and technology experts to identify the challenges and gaps in their IT systems with a focus on resilience.  Drawing from our extensive experience, we are offering our consultancy services to help you build your own Cloud Hosted Data Vault—a solution that addresses both the technological and procedural aspects of risk management.  We can assist your organisation in identifying important business services, setting fault tolerances, enhancing operational awareness, and bolstering third-party risk management. 

We often find organisations are at different maturity levels in their ability to meet regulatory requirements in this space, as a result we’d generally recommend undertaking a maturity assessment as a first step, followed by ensuring you have a clear vaulting strategy and operating model. In addition, our subject matter experts can help with the acceleration and thought leadership across the following vaulting capabilities:

  1. Immutability of data
  2. Policy-driven methodology
  3. Independent authentication
  4. Inbound/outbound artifact scanning
  5. Isolated testing environments
  6. Air gapping of data/environments
  7. Clean room environments
  8. API access to data

Our AWS engineers and delivery teams are frontrunners in combating emerging cyber threats, equipped with the latest knowledge and techniques to protect your organisation. With deep expertise in risk management, governance, and regulatory compliance, we understand the complexities and nuances of today's cybersecurity landscape. By partnering with us, you gain access to industry-leading practices and a support system that ensures your business remains resilient and secure in the face of evolving cyber risks.

Airwalk Reply can help you to create and deliver a vaulting strategy for your organisation, please contact us to learn more. 

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