RFP support to modernise a service desk contract


The client is a government authority which supports communities across the UK, helping them to thrive and making them great places to live and work. 


The current service desk supplier contract was up for renewal.  Following a previous discovery engagement carried out by Airwalk Reply, it had been identified that there were several process improvements and automation opportunities that could be implemented to improve the current service desk model and be incorporated into the request for proposal (RFP), for a future service desk model.


Airwalk Reply was engaged to review the current 3rd party service desk contract and whilst incorporating the improvements identified in the initial assessment, help to produce an RFP which would identify a new supplier which could not only deliver a service desk for the future, but could transform their way of working using the identified opportunities and working towards an XLA driven contract, with as much automation as possible. 


An RFP was issued supported by a tender evaluation questionnaire that would give confidence to the client that the new supplier would hold the same vision and help create a service that delivers an excellent service to its end users. 

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