Automation and DevOps


Designed by Out of Home (OOH) advertising experts for the OOH industry and backed by advertising powerhouse JCDecaux, VIOOH offers all media owners and buyers a frictionless experience for automated OOH and programmatic Digital Out of Home (DOOH) advertising transactions.


As a fast-growing startup, VIOOH has been embracing the cloud to accelerate the development of their data-driven platforms. While making amazing progress utilising the agility of AWS to move their business forward, they recognised the need to mature their use of AWS to provide crucial security, observability and automation that would allow them to continue on their growth trajectory.


Airwalk Reply were engaged to provide refinement of their use of AWS services, automating best practice and providing a stable foundation on which to continue their journey into cloud.

VIOOH wanted to ensure they were making the most of the resources available in their small but talented technical team by leveraging modern DevOps techniques with as much automation and repeatability as possible


Airwalk Reply’s experienced consultants who understand AWS security tooling and practice modern DevOps ways of working allowed VIOOH’s own technology staff to accelerate their ability to develop their platforms in line with best practice.

New solutions to manage federated identity, and a new remote access solution using identity aware authorising proxy were delivered to improve the security posture.

Observability was enhanced, including developing integrations to surface metrics and logs from all services.

Automated rollouts using Infrastructure as Code gave repeatable results in all accounts and environments, reducing the risk of human error.

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